Fish N Chips?
Why Fish n Chips? I was driving around the other day and saw one of those fish symbols with some writing on the inside that I couldn't make out. As I got close to the back of the little truck I made out what it said, N CHIPS. I suppose there are some who take offense to this or actually get mad when they see something like this, but I got a little chuckle. But, that's the way I am. I tend to find the lighter side of most things.
I think it's important to be able to laugh at the things around us but even more importantly we need to be able to laugh at ourselves. I'm a Christian, a follower of Jesus. The fish symbol is synonymous with Christians and for someone to poke fun at it means they're poking fun at me. That's cool, wouldn't be the first time. I could've gotten mad, gave the driver a ration of you know what and called her a blasphemer or something stupid like that. I chose to laugh and wave. You see I also am sporting a fish on the back of my truck and knew that this person was behind me for a little while. What would Jesus do?
What drew me to Christ wasn't great preaching, some sort of miracle performed by a preacher on TV, or years of Sunday School as a kid. No, it was the observation of men I already respected and their relationship with Jesus. At first I saw successful men and I tried to emulate them. I was duped! They were trying to be like Jesus so by default so was I. Tricked into Christianity! Not really, but you get my drift. Actually I'm a pretty practical guy, I appreciate the truth, I need the truth, I demand the truth. I have heard the truth, loud and clear, that was enough for me.
Is there an expectation that once we become Christians that we must change our personality? I don't think that God created us to be individuals only to be cloned and be put in a box. Jesus said "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matt 28:19-20) The disciples were all different types of men with different ways of getting the job done. The Lord uses our differences to reach others. But with all of our differences there should be one thing that all should recognize about us, our love for each other.
So there it is, Fish N Chips. Live, laugh, love. Peace out.
Awesome post, my dear! Can't wait to read more from you...
Welcome, fellow traveller...glad to have you. Excellent thoughts!
I love fish-n-chips, makes me hungry just thinking about it! :)
Athenean Grill has the best fish-n-chips around!
Great post Mark! All you have said is so true. I love the way you word your thoughts, they are so awesome. Hope to read more from you soon.
Pass the tatar sauce!
hey dude!
you're right... we are all different and that's what makes it sooo incredible when we are together... also, the love... it's THE LOVE that makes us stand out... we will not negotiate on the LOVE... it must be there!
peace out...
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